Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Progress continues on the Virtual Trolley Tour of Maine

October already! A busy summer and fall here at the Seashore Trolley Museum Library. Our intrepid intern Chris has gone off to graduate school in archival studies. He did a great job this summer selecting destinations and scanning photographs. Thank you, Chris! We miss you!

Our total number of destinations is now fourteen - and we're having to leave some out! Can't find any photographs of The Pines in Norridgewock, just a reference on a map. Current destinations are:

York Beach and St. Aspinquid Park, York
Cape Porpoise Casino, Cape Porpoise
Riverton Park, Portland
Willard Beach, Portland
Cape Cottage Theater and Casino, Cape Elizabeth
Underwood Casino, Falmouth
Lake Grove, Auburn
Merrymeeting Park, Brunswick
New Meadows Inn, West Bath
Casco Castle, Freeport
Tacoma Inn, Litchfield
Lake Cobbosseecontee Island Park, Manchester
Lakewood Park, Madison
Oakland Park, Rockport

The greatest challenge is selecting the tastiest pictures and keeping that selection down to one or two. Or maybe three. OK, possibly four. See what I mean? Above, the Rockland, Thomaston, & Camden Street Railway's open car #9 disembarking at the trolley stop at Oakland Park. These lucky day tourists will spend the day picnicking and watching the latest motion picture.
